Author: Holly Carberry

How to make the most of your holiday (without thinking about work all time)

We’re well into the swing of summer and many of us are taking a well-earned break in the sun (or perhaps in the rain, if you’re staying in the UK). A good break from your desk and taking the time to properly switch off is absolutely essential for your physical and mental wellbeing – spending time with family,  getting stuck into a good book, or however it is you like to unwind. 

While I’d never recommend working while on holiday, and it really is important to spend a good chunk of time not thinking about work at all, I do think there’s a lot of value in using your break from the day-to-day to engage in a bit of gentle (but intentional) reflection on your goals, your life, and what you want to get out of the rest of this year.

The summer reset

When you’re mired in the long to-do lists of a normal working week, it can be difficult to step away and think about the big picture. (That’s why coaching sessions and training days are so valuable – it gives you time away from your day-to-day operations to think long-term). The structure and routine of the workweek can sometimes narrow our focus, making it hard to see beyond our immediate tasks and deadlines. But when you’re on holiday and free from the usual pressures, the ringing phone, the inbox pinging – the mental space and clarity you’ve got can make for a great environment to explore, think big, and reassess. What are your long-term goals? Where do you see yourself by the end of the year? How aligned are you with your current direction?

This isn’t about setting rigid objectives or worrying about work – it’s about using the natural pause in your schedule to check whether you’re still on the right track. Take some time to consider your professional goals, your personal dreams, and how well they align with one another. Use some of your downtime to think about your core values and reassess whether your current actions are moving you closer to the life and career you really want.

There’s a useful NLP technique that comes in handy here called parts work. It involves giving your mind a task to process in the background while you consciously focus on something else – or while you’re completely relaxed. For example, if you’re preparing for an important presentation or mulling over a strategic decision, you’d set the intention before you go to sleep or while you’re engaged in an easy, non-work activity, like walking or driving. You’ll often find that when you return to the task with fresh eyes, solutions and ideas have come to the surface.

Parts work is about trusting your mind’s ability to work on challenges subconsciously. It doesn’t mean you should spend your holiday fretting about little things; it’s about zooming out, checking in with yourself, and spending some time allowing your subconscious to do the rest. Often, the best ideas arise not when you’re sitting at your desk, but when you’re relaxed and detached from the task at hand.

So, as you enjoy your summer break, give yourself permission to really relax and unwind. But, when you find yourself with some time to think, also allow yourself the space to gently reflect on your broader goals and dreams. Use this time so that when you get back to your desk, you’re not just refreshed, but also realigned, with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. By balancing proper relaxation with some mindful reflection, you can make the most of your downtime and set yourself up for a happy, fulfilling and successful year ahead.

If you’d like some help working towards your goals, whether personal or professional, I offer one-to-one coaching. I also offer business training and coaching for business leaders and teams that need some time away from the day-to-day to think big, refocus and develop their skills. Get in touch to find out more.

5 Lessons from Walking for 24 Hours

At the end of May I walked for 24 hours straight along the Cornish coast path to raise money for my hockey club. The plan was to set off at 9pm, and walk through the night and all the next day, finishing at 9pm the following day. Although I like walking, it would be the biggest physical challenge I’d taken on yet, and facing the start line with a sore knee I wasn’t sure how I’d get on. 

I’m happy to say that I achieved my goal and raised £1300 for Duchy Hockey Club, which will help us buy some much-needed equipment and storage for the club (you can still donate here if you’d like to support our mission). 

One month on, I’ve had lots of time to reflect on the lessons I took away from this challenge – so here are five things I learned from 24 hours of walking. 

You’ve always got more left in the tank than you think.

Someone once told me a story about SAS recruits in training: at the end of a gruelling run, when the recruits are stumbling to the finish line completely exhausted, they go to touch the Land Rover that marks the finish line and it drives off for another 30 miles. It’s an exercise in resilience, in digging deeper than you thought possible: just when they thought they were about to collapse at the finish line, the recruits have to find the strength for another 30 miles. There were many points on my walk that I felt like I was completely exhausted, and couldn’t go on any further – but every time, I’d keep going. 

A few hours from my finish time, I decided on a point that I’d like to end up at, and calculated that I’d need to walk about twice as fast as I had been for the past few hours, up and down one of the hilliest stretches of coastline, to reach my goal. I surprised myself when I made it to the finish point, at which point my legs truly refused to move another step (but who knows – maybe I had another 10 miles in me!). It was a really interesting exercise and it showed me that our idea of our own strength is very much in our head – if you’ve decided it’s the end, you’ll physically feel like you’re finished, but you might be able to use the power of your mind to discover reserves you didn’t know you had.

Positive self-talk really works.

I started the walk with a bit of knee trouble from hiking the Three Peaks in May. I’d decided that I was still going to give it my best shot, and I’d take it step by step and stop if I really needed to. I’m sure I could have easily talked myself out of going ahead with the walk with a sore knee as an excuse – and if I’d started telling myself I couldn’t do it, I’d have believed it. Instead I focused on positive self-talk, even talking to my knee at points (walking along the coast path at 3am in the pitch dark will do that to a person!). Whether it’s a mantra, affirmations, or just a running commentary of encouraging words, positive self-talk really works – and there are lots of studies on athletic performance that back this up. 

Trying to distract yourself from discomfort doesn’t work.

The best way I found of dealing with the aforementioned knee pain (and the pain everywhere else – after the halfway point, there wasn’t much of me that wasn’t sore) was accepting the discomfort, rather than trying to push it away. Trying to distract myself with music didn’t work; it was only facing it head on, acknowledging it but keeping it at a distance, that helped me to keep going. Whether you’re dealing with physical or mental discomfort, knee pain or anxiety, allowing yourself to feel the discomfort and then letting those feelings pass can be a useful coping strategy.

Walking is active meditation. 

I’ve written before about the many benefits of walking – for cognitive performance, for coaching sessions, for finding your way around a problem that you just can’t seem to solve sitting at your desk. I had wondered whether I’d get bored over the course of the 24 hours, and brought along headphones so I could listen to music if I needed it, but I found very quickly that I preferred to walk without distraction. Something about the repetitive motion of walking for a long period of time, combined with the solitude of often being the only one on the coast path, made it really easy to slip into a flow state, despite the nagging pain in my knee and the tiredness in my legs. I found myself 100% in the moment, aware of discomfort but able to sit with it, with no desire for any distraction. Accessing this flow state is one of the reasons I love walking so much – even a short walk – but walking for hours on end I was able to settle into a sense of calm that really helped the time pass.

Take big goals one step at time.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” is a cliche for a reason. If I allowed myself to think about the enormity of the task I was about to undertake, it felt like I’d never be able to finish it – but when I stopped thinking about the task as a whole, and just thought about what was next (leaving the house, then taking the first steps, then the next), it became much easier. I tried to approach the start as if I was just heading out for a walk, never thinking too hard about the whole, just focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. It’s easy to talk yourself out of a big challenge if you picture the whole thing in your head – but we’re much more capable than we think if we take it one step at a time. Breaking the walk into small, manageable chunks made each step much easier to tackle.

If you’d like more information about walking coaching sessions, resilience, or setting goals, feel free to get in touch. I also offer corporate training for teams on leadership, communication and lots more – more info here.

A photo of a neon sign with the words 'This is the sign you've been looking for'

New NLP Business Practitioner Course Starting April 2024

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be running a new NLP Business Practitioner course starting in April. This will be an in-person course, and will run over five full-day Friday sessions, from 9:30am – 4pm at the FibreHub in Redruth from April to October 2024.

Who is the NLP Business Practitioner course for?

This course is for anyone who’d like to develop their leadership, motivation, goal setting, selling, buying, presenting, performance management, confidence, stress management or communication skills – to name a few. We’ve delivered this course to over 700 delegates, from business owners and CEOs to newly self-employed people.

What you’ll learn

  • Negotiation skills: how to build rapport, ensure positive outcomes and influence people
  • How to excel at and enjoy presenting and public speaking
  • Better communication, meaning more effective meetings, fewer conflicts at work and the skills to manage difficult team members
  • Tools for stress management and resilience

Course dates and pricing

The course will cost £1397+VAT and dates are as follows:

26th April, 24th May, 14th June, 19th July, 20th Sept, 18th Oct


The course will be held at the FibreHub, Trevenson Lane, Pool, Redruth, TR15 3GF.

Booking and payment plans

You can find the full event details on Eventbrite here. You can book your place through Eventbrite, or directly by replying to this email to avoid Eventbrite’s fees. If you’d prefer to spread the cost, payment plans are available– again, just reply to this email and I’ll get you set up.

Early bird discount – save 20%

I’m offering a discount of 20% off the full course cost for any delegates who book their place in the next week – deadline Friday 8th March.

If you’ve got any questions, feel free to send me a DM or get in touch.

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