How to make the most of your holiday (without thinking about work all time)

We’re well into the swing of summer and many of us are taking a well-earned break in the sun (or perhaps in the rain, if you’re staying in the UK). A good break from your desk and taking the time to properly switch off is absolutely essential for your physical and mental wellbeing – spending time with family,  getting stuck into a good book, or however it is you like to unwind. 

While I’d never recommend working while on holiday, and it really is important to spend a good chunk of time not thinking about work at all, I do think there’s a lot of value in using your break from the day-to-day to engage in a bit of gentle (but intentional) reflection on your goals, your life, and what you want to get out of the rest of this year.

The summer reset

When you’re mired in the long to-do lists of a normal working week, it can be difficult to step away and think about the big picture. (That’s why coaching sessions and training days are so valuable – it gives you time away from your day-to-day operations to think long-term). The structure and routine of the workweek can sometimes narrow our focus, making it hard to see beyond our immediate tasks and deadlines. But when you’re on holiday and free from the usual pressures, the ringing phone, the inbox pinging – the mental space and clarity you’ve got can make for a great environment to explore, think big, and reassess. What are your long-term goals? Where do you see yourself by the end of the year? How aligned are you with your current direction?

This isn’t about setting rigid objectives or worrying about work – it’s about using the natural pause in your schedule to check whether you’re still on the right track. Take some time to consider your professional goals, your personal dreams, and how well they align with one another. Use some of your downtime to think about your core values and reassess whether your current actions are moving you closer to the life and career you really want.

There’s a useful NLP technique that comes in handy here called parts work. It involves giving your mind a task to process in the background while you consciously focus on something else – or while you’re completely relaxed. For example, if you’re preparing for an important presentation or mulling over a strategic decision, you’d set the intention before you go to sleep or while you’re engaged in an easy, non-work activity, like walking or driving. You’ll often find that when you return to the task with fresh eyes, solutions and ideas have come to the surface.

Parts work is about trusting your mind’s ability to work on challenges subconsciously. It doesn’t mean you should spend your holiday fretting about little things; it’s about zooming out, checking in with yourself, and spending some time allowing your subconscious to do the rest. Often, the best ideas arise not when you’re sitting at your desk, but when you’re relaxed and detached from the task at hand.

So, as you enjoy your summer break, give yourself permission to really relax and unwind. But, when you find yourself with some time to think, also allow yourself the space to gently reflect on your broader goals and dreams. Use this time so that when you get back to your desk, you’re not just refreshed, but also realigned, with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. By balancing proper relaxation with some mindful reflection, you can make the most of your downtime and set yourself up for a happy, fulfilling and successful year ahead.

If you’d like some help working towards your goals, whether personal or professional, I offer one-to-one coaching. I also offer business training and coaching for business leaders and teams that need some time away from the day-to-day to think big, refocus and develop their skills. Get in touch to find out more.


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