Tag: conference

Introducing The Speakers At The NLP@Work Conference in Plymouth

By Martin Crump.

Martin is a Director and co-founder of Evolution.  He is a certified NLP Master Trainer with a wealth of experience of working with organisations of all sizes and types across the UK.



I’m getting really excited about the NLP@Work Conference in Plymouth on the 30th March.

I’d like to introduce the speakers:

Nik Green

Nik is a member of the  Evolution Team, has worked extensively with adventure training in a schools environment and is an NLP Master Practitioner and certified NLP coach.





Nik says:

Having returned to working in the outdoor education environment after a prolonged sabbatical in the corporate world  I was keen to see how NLP tools and techniques could be applied whilst working with individuals and groups in the great outdoors.

The following questions immediately sprung to mind; “Do the techniques work as well with children?” ; “Can anchoring be used to subdue fear and enable participation in activities?” ; “Can the outdoor environment be used as a medium for personal change?”

I soon discovered as I grew in confidence and experience that the answer was obviously yes.  I discovered that I was assisting children in building their confidence levels, controlling their anger and aggression and giving them a reference point for success that they could take away from the residential trips and apply to their lives.

I have had the privilege to work with some outstanding individuals who demonstrate best practice in relationship building, coaching and development activity.  They also have no formal understanding or knowledge of NLP.  It has been through modelling their best practice I have improved my own performance and through coaching also made them more conscious of why what they do works.

It is this improvement that has enabled me challenge and assist some of the children who have troubled backgrounds and lead chaotic home lives.  This alone has made my NLP journey worthwhile and I look forward to sharing this with you at the NLP @ work conference.

A clip of Nik’s presentation

Andy McMinn

Andy is currently Head of Procurement and Logistics at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust and is a qualified procurement and engineering professional with learned experience of lean and six sigma.  Andy has worked in both the Public and Private sectors leading multi disciplined procurement teams and projects in fast moving, complex and challenged environments.  He is currently responsible for a team of forty eight and in excess of £150m non pay expenditure.



Andy says “Many professionals from new disciplines such as Procurement and Marketing struggle when communicating ideas and proposals of how their skills can help improve the businesses they work for.  Procurements message can be very technical and direct which when spoken can switch off the listener and break rapport.  Many times have I heard emotive client statements like “Why do I need you, I can buy it from Tesco’s cheaper” or “I just want to buy what I want”.  Others also told me they had experienced this same client resistance and struggled with communication difficulties for many years in their own organisations.

I often wondered “What strategies have other professionals like me developed to overcome these issues?”

About four years ago whilst studying Master Practitioner, I learnt about Metaphor and began to understand the power of indirect language.   It was at that precise time that I had a “light bulb moment” and realised that Metaphor was the missing tool in my strategic leadership toolkit.

At the NLP@Work conference I will be talking about how the use of NLP Linguistic patterns and metaphor has improved the way I communicate and helped me translate the procurement message into a language that is easy to understand.

A taster of Andy’s presentation

Tony Finnigan


Tony is a medical practitioner based in Tavistock ,Devon and an educationalist at Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry in Plymouth. He is also a practising psychotherapist in Transactional Analysis analysis and a Master Practitioner in NLP



As an educationalist involved in training general practitioners and medical students for the past 25 years  in conjunction with another master NLP practitioner we have now evolved a model  integrating memory theory, learning theory and NLP that  is producing stunning results in student performance.

We have literally transformed the performance of failing students. Our present figures suggest a 95% success rate  My presentation at the NLP @ Work conference will outline the core basics of this process. You will in a very short period of time be able to deliver significant performance change in an educational environment. The principles described work at school undergraduate, postgraduate, and in any business environment.

It may sound like magic- it isn’t, just allowing your brain to work for you

A short clip from Tony’s presentation

Neil Trigger

Neil has lectured internationally on his PhD subject of persuasion engineering and psycho-linguistics for change. He is a member of the chartered management institute and the chartered institute of marketing and currently works for a large Plymouth-based charity as well as having significant international business interests. Neil is an NLP practitioner and certified coach and also holds a number of other qualifications including certificates in hypnosis and other related fields.



Neil asks: “Why is it that words are so often misunderstood? Recent research shows that 50% of all email is not decoded by our brains to mean the same as the author intended. It’s only letters and white space, so why do people say “there it is in black and white” to explain something that cannot be misread when these marks are ambiguous at least half of the time!?

The answer is simple.

While text is black and white, the meaning within the text is not.

Think of the phrase “Happinessisnowhere”! It can be read as “Happiness is nowhere” or “Happiness is now here”. Both phrases are totally opposite, but the physical letters have not changed.

Text cannot possibly convey the meaning that we intend because it misses out so much extra information like tone of voice, timbre, volume, sarcasm, innuendo and a million other tiny inflections like a smile, a laugh or a cheeky nudge. Yet there are ways of adding these things back in. We have all seen emoticons :o )

Emoticons add back some of the missing emotion. But what happens in business when, firstly it is far too important to NOT have a message read correctly, but secondly there is no way we could add a smiley face without looking unprofessional or silly?

Join me at the NLP @ Work conference and I will explain how to change email and other work documents to increase profit by over 900%, how one company in Canada changed two words on their advertising and saw sales rocket, why you and everyone you know use words which stop you from selling and how to improve your email instantly to sell significantly more than you do at the moment.”

A taste of Neil’s presentation

Matthew Theobald

Matthew is a professional Project Manager who has been working on large scale projects across Europe:



He says, “I had spent some time been looking for ways to simplify projects. As part of this I had developed Project Fractures, which includes a series of 9 key questions to ask any project. The answers to these reduce the risk of project failure.

I tried out some of the NLP tools and techniques I learned on the NLP Business Practitioner course with several project teams.  I was stunned by how much difference it made to the people in the room each time I used them and realised that NLP could really help in all manner of situations.

I began working with Martin Crump on Project Leadership in September 2010 and realised very quickly that it would make a real difference to the success of projects of all types and sizes.

By combining elements of NLP tools and techniques, Martin’s NLP based strategic planning tool, my Project Fractures, with Leadership theories, processes and skills a simple but effective process quickly took shape.

And this is what I will be talking about at the NLP @ Work conference – what the process is, how to apply it in your projects and how this approach means you never need to see another Gantt Chart!”

A clip of Matthew’s presentation

Fiona Crump

Fiona Crump is a founding partner of evolution personal and Corporate Development Ltd. and is Director of Personal Development.  She is an NLP Master Practitioner and NLP Coach and has a huge amount of experience from working with a wide range of organisations across the UK.


She saya, “Now that March is here I’m really getting excited about presenting at the upcoming NLP@Work conference.

I use NLP at work all the time; when I am selling, in the training I deliver, during coaching sessions and when I’m working with therapy clients.  However, for me, NLP extends way beyond those practical business applications and forms a part of how I live my life.

I have a particular research interest in Work-Life Balance and use NLP tools and techniques to find that balance in my own life.  NLP is helpful for everything from setting goals to achieve the big things to managing life’s smaller irritations.

Join me at the conference to discover how NLP helped me to:

  •  move both our family and our business 300 miles from Cheshire to Cornwall
  • walk 500 miles across Spain
  • run a successful business and still have time for family & friends, walks on the beach and the achievement of personal goals including achieving a first in my BSC (Hons) Psychology degree.”


I’d love to see you at the Conference which I know will be interesting and informative.  For further information visit Conference



NLP And Procurement

By Andy McMinn.

Andy will be speaking at the NLP @ Work Conference at the National Marine Aquarium on the 30th March

Andy is currently Head of Procurement and Logistics at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust and is a qualified procurement and engineering professional with learned experience of lean and six sigma.  Andy has worked in both the Public and Private sectors leading multi disciplined procurement teams and projects in fast moving, complex and challenged environments.  He is currently responsible for a team of forty eight and in excess of £150m non pay expenditure.


Andy says “Many professionals from new disciplines such as Procurement and Marketing struggle when communicating ideas and proposals of how their skills can help improve the businesses they work for.  Procurements message can be very technical and direct which when spoken can switch off the listener and break rapport.  Many times have I heard emotive client statements like “Why do I need you, I can buy it from Tesco’s cheaper” or “I just want to buy what I want”.  Others also told me they had experienced this same client resistance and struggled with communication difficulties for many years in their own organisations.


I often wondered “What strategies have other professionals like me developed to overcome these issues?”

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NLP and Work-Life Balance


Now that Spring is here I’m really getting excited about presenting at the upcoming NLP@Work conference.

I use NLP at work all the time; when I am selling, in the training I deliver, during coaching sessions and when I’m working with therapy clients.  However, for me, NLP extends way beyond those practical business applications and forms a part of how I live my life.

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How to Change Emails to Increase Profit By Over 900%

By Neil Trigger

Neil is one of the speakers at the NLP @ Work Conference at the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth on the 30th March

Neil has lectured internationally on his PhD subject of persuasion engineering and psycho-linguistics for change. He is a member of the chartered management institute and the chartered institute of marketing and currently works for a large Plymouth-based charity as well as having significant international business interests. Neil is an NLP practitioner and certified coach and also holds a number of other qualifications including certificates in hypnosis and other related fields.



Why is it that words are so often misunderstood? Recent research shows that 50% of all email is not decoded by our brains to mean the same as the author intended. It’s only letters and white space, so why do people say “there it is in black and white” to explain something that cannot be misread when these marks are ambiguous at least half of the time!?

The answer is simple.

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NLP, The Outdoors and Personal Development


By Nik Green

Nik is a member of the  Evolution Team, has worked extensively with adventure training in a schools environment and is an NLP Master Practitioner and certified NLP coach.




Having returned to working in the outdoor education environment after a prolonged sabbatical in the corporate world  I was keen to see how NLP tools and techniques could be applied whilst working with individuals and groups in the great outdoors.

The following questions immediately sprung to mind; “Do the techniques work as well with children?” ; “Can anchoring be used to subdue fear and enable participation in activities?” ; “Can the outdoor environment be used as a medium for personal change?”

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How To Avoid Insomnia


By Martin Crump.

Martin is a Director and co-founder of Evolution.  He is a certified NLP Master Trainer with a wealth of experience of working with organisations of all sizes and types across the UK.




Sleep is as important to us as food, water and air.  Although the purpose of sleep is not yet fully understood, the health effects of lack of it seem to suggest that it is important in enabling the body to rest and repair itself.

Different people need differing amounts of sleep to stay healthy and so there are no hard and fast rules about the amount of sleep you need although most adults seem to need 7-8 hours per night.

Are You:

  • Tired during the day?
  • Tired and un-refreshed when you wake up?
  • Waking early and finding it impossible to get back to sleep?
  • Better able to sleep away from home?
  • Suffering from frequent headaches during the day?
  • Irritable and unable to concentrate?
  • Taking longer than 30mins to fall asleep?
  • Waking often in the night?
  • Only able to get to sleep with the help of sleeping tablets or alcohol?

Then you are probably suffering from insomnia.

  Read More

No More Gantt Charts?

By Matthew Theobald.   Matthew is a professional Project Manager who has been working on large scale projects across Europe:



“I had spent some time been looking for ways to simplify projects. As part of this I had developed Project Fractures, which includes a series of 9 key questions to ask any project. The answers to these reduce the risk of project failure.

I tried out some of the NLP tools and techniques I learned on the NLP Business Practitioner course with several project teams.  I was stunned by how much difference it made to the people in the room each time I used them and realised that NLP could really help in all manner of situations.

I began working with Martin Crump on Project Leadership in September 2010 and realised very quickly that it would make a real difference to the success of projects of all types and sizes.

By combining elements of NLP tools and techniques, Martin’s NLP based strategic planning tool, my Project Fractures, with Leadership theories, processes and skills a simple but effective process quickly took shape.

And this is what I will be talking about at the NLP @ Work conference – what the process is, how to apply it in your projects and how this approach means you never need to see another Gantt Chart!”

Watch a short clip of my presentation here:


  For more information, and to book the conference visit: conference

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