Tag: NLP

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New NLP Business Practitioner Course Starting April 2024

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be running a new NLP Business Practitioner course starting in April. This will be an in-person course, and will run over five full-day Friday sessions, from 9:30am – 4pm at the FibreHub in Redruth from April to October 2024.

Who is the NLP Business Practitioner course for?

This course is for anyone who’d like to develop their leadership, motivation, goal setting, selling, buying, presenting, performance management, confidence, stress management or communication skills – to name a few. We’ve delivered this course to over 700 delegates, from business owners and CEOs to newly self-employed people.

What you’ll learn

  • Negotiation skills: how to build rapport, ensure positive outcomes and influence people
  • How to excel at and enjoy presenting and public speaking
  • Better communication, meaning more effective meetings, fewer conflicts at work and the skills to manage difficult team members
  • Tools for stress management and resilience

Course dates and pricing

The course will cost £1397+VAT and dates are as follows:

26th April, 24th May, 14th June, 19th July, 20th Sept, 18th Oct


The course will be held at the FibreHub, Trevenson Lane, Pool, Redruth, TR15 3GF.

Booking and payment plans

You can find the full event details on Eventbrite here. You can book your place through Eventbrite, or directly by replying to this email to avoid Eventbrite’s fees. If you’d prefer to spread the cost, payment plans are available– again, just reply to this email and I’ll get you set up.

Early bird discount – save 20%

I’m offering a discount of 20% off the full course cost for any delegates who book their place in the next week – deadline Friday 8th March.

If you’ve got any questions, feel free to send me a DM or get in touch.

Walking Coaching Sessions & The Benefits of Walking For Cognitive Performance

Have you ever noticed that you think more creatively while walking? Maybe you’ve spent hours thinking over a problem or a project, only to go out for a walk and come up with the solution.

Walking can have a profound impact on our brain function and creativity, stimulating cognitive processes, boosting our mood, and enhancing creative thinking. As an NLP coach, I’ll often lead in-person coaching sessions while walking. The change of scenery can be a great way to help clients access new ways of thinking about a topic, change their state, or get around mental blocks.

The effects of walking on cognitive performance

Studies have shown that walking promotes the production of neurochemicals such as serotonin and dopamine, which are responsible for regulating mood, reducing stress, and enhancing cognitive function. Walking has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, leading to improved cognitive performance and enhanced problem-solving abilities.

Walking can also improve our ability to think creatively. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition found that individuals who walked while performing a creative thinking task produced more creative ideas compared to those who were seated. The study suggests that walking may enhance the ability to generate novel ideas by increasing the flow of ideas and associations in the brain.

Walking has been found to enhance the connectivity of brain regions involved in creative thinking. In a study published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, researchers found that walking improved connectivity between brain regions associated with the default mode network, which is involved in creative thinking and imagination.

The benefits of walking coaching sessions

Walking coaching sessions are an excellent way to leverage the benefits of walking for cognitive and creative enhancement. NLP walking coaching sessions involve a coach guiding a client through a session while walking – ideally, somewhere with a great view, which we’ve got in spades here in Cornwall! Just like in a regular coaching session, the goal isn’t to instruct the client, but to facilitate their own creative or problem-solving process.

During a walking coaching session, we’ll use various NLP techniques such as visualisation, anchors, and language patterns to help the client towards their desired outcome. Each session is different, tailored specifically to an individual’s needs and goals.

Walking coaching sessions may also include elements of goal-setting and personal development. By combining the physical activity of walking with the mental focus of NLP techniques, clients can improve their ability to achieve their goals, overcome barriers and work towards their desired outcomes.

Feeling stuck? Try walking it off

While often overlooked as it’s something we do every day, walking is a powerful tool for enhancing brain function and creativity, enhancing cognitive processes, accessing new ideas, and improving creative thinking. Walking coaching sessions are an excellent way to leverage the benefits of walking and NLP techniques for cognitive and creative enhancement. So, next time you’re feeling stuck or need to come up with some creative ideas, take a walk and see what it does for your brain!

If you’d like to book a coaching session (whether online, in-person or walking), get in touch or visit the website to find out more.

hands drawing of business and graphs - NLP business practitioner - Evolution Development

NLP Business Practitioner Course – Starting December 2018

A large proportion of our working life is spent in communicating with and attempting to influence other people.

On this course, you will learn how to use Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to enhance and improve the skills you already have.

Over 700 people have completed the NLP Business Practitioner course over the last 20 years and we have now updated this life changing course to make it even more effective.

The course is solution based so you can apply the learning immediately to improve your leadership, motivation, goal setting, selling, buying, presenting, performance management, confidence, state management, stress levels and understanding of yourself and others

NLP in a Business Environment

All business success relies heavily on the successful interaction of people. NLP skills can dramatically improve these interactions with a series of tools, techniques and methodologies which can be used effectively in all situations.

For Example

Negotiations become much more effective with improved rapport building skills, better understanding of participant’s needs and influencing techniques.

Presentations become much more effective, enjoyable and understandable to any audience.

More effective meetings and better teamwork also result from improved communication and understanding.

Recruitment and Selection becomes more effective as interviewers become more skilled at rapport building, asking ‘clean’ questions to obtain more accurate and detailed information.

Workplace Stress is becoming a major issue affecting all organisations. Stress is a physiological response to a situation. Individuals perceive situations differently, this perception is what drives their emotional state and behaviour. This is why some people are more affected by situations than others. We help people change their perception which has a knock on effect to their emotional state and behaviour.

Employees will dramatically improve their ability to learn quickly and effectively. The management of change becomes easier through increased learning, improved communication and the ability to break out of the circle of cause and effect.

What will you learn?

  • NLP – an introduction
  • Definitions
  • History
  • Possibilities
  • Presuppositions
  • Outcomes
  • Effective goal setting for your self and others
  • Chunking: Discovering whether people need ‘the big picture’ or the detail
  • Using this to get your message across successfully
  • Representational Systems
  • The difference between perception and reality
  • How we think and represent the world around us
  • How to discover the way others think
  • Rapport
  • Building and maintaining rapport
  • Calibrating
  • Calibrating the Body Language of others
  • Perceptual positions: Understanding the world from another’s point of view
  • Submodalities: The ‘building blocks’ of perception, beliefs and behaviour
  • Using and changing submodalities to attain your goal
  • Meta model: Understanding and removing the deletions, distortions and generalisations common to language
  • Challenging to obtain the ‘deep structure’ of language and ideas
  • Milton Model: Hypnotic language patterns
  • Metaphors and nested metaphors
  • Strategies: How people do what they do
  • How to elicit people’s strategies

The Course is held over 6 months with time to practice in between the one-day sessions.

What Some Delegates have said:

If you would like to understand more about yourself, change the direction of your life and career then this is the course for you. I know it sounds corny but it changed my life, took my career in a new direction, made me more successful and increased my happiness levels. I would recommend this course to anyone that wants the self belief that they can change anything they want to, have the ability to do anything in life and that they have a choice to or not.”

Penny Edge – Page Training

“I wish I had done this course thirty years ago!”

Tony Hughes – South Cheshire College

“If this was available, and used, across the company, the culture would be radically improved.”

Darren Cribb – Babcock Marine

“Presuppose that this course will change your life – because it will”

Andy McMinn – Plymouth Hospitals Trust


Q: What makes this course different?
A: This course is specifically focused on the business applications of NLP

Q: What support will I get during the Course?
A: You will have access to the Trainer outside of the course sessions if you have any questions or problems, or need some help applying some of the learning

Q: How Experienced is the Trainer?
A: Martin has been delivering NLP Business training for over 22 years, has worked with delegates from every conceivable business background and is an accredited NLP Master Trainer.


You can book your space on Eventbrite.
Spaces are limited, so don’t too long.

The Presenter’s Toolkit- Improve Your Presentation & Communication Skills


We are constantly selling.

If we are not selling a product or a service we are selling an idea or a point of view or even yourself.
The Presenter’s Toolkit equips you to design and deliver winning presentations, whether that is a 90-second elevator pitch, a long conference presentation, a short review meeting with your team or even a written piece.

It is common to feel nervous when presenting – but you don’t need to. When you have the right tools you can feel confident and actually enjoy it.

That is why we are running our Presenter’s Toolkit workshop on 5th October 2018 at the Health and Wellbeing Innovation Centre, Treliske.

Interested? Book your space now.

Let us help you stay calm and engaged – but also have fun when presenting!

What you will learn

During this one day workshop, you will learn a number of helpful strategies as well as learning a simple and effective structure which will help you to perfect your delivery – even if you only have a minutes notice.

You will learn:

  • How to control your nerves
  • How to manage your state
  • How to Swap anxiety for confidence
  • Some specific body language techniques to gain the right response from your audience
  • How to structure your presentation to ensure your key messages are heard and understood
  • And you’ll learn 10 ways to avoid Death By Powerpoint!

Who is it for?

This workshop is tailored to help people from different industries at various stages in their careers.
You may be a graduate or you may have 40 years experience.
This doesn’t matter. The skills and techniques we will be teaching are transferable.

  • Are you trying to find a job to help you take that next step in your career?
  • Are you trying to grow your business by finding new clients?
  • Do you want to cement yourself as a thought leader and share your ideas at conferences?

Then you really shouldn’t miss this workshop!

Past client testimonials

“It went way beyond what you would normally expect in a presentation skills course – this is more than that.
It’s about understanding how to structure a presentation. How to engage the audience on a deep level and how to be really impactful with your messaging.”
Nicky Luke – Unlocking Potential – Recruitment & Talent Manager

Watch the full video testimonial here. 

The tools and techniques I learned then have stayed with me in my future roles and I have used them in many ways consciously and unconsciously.”
Carl Fitzsimons – Ecolab – Vice President HR

“What can I say about Martin? He not only has a huge range of tools in his developmental toolkits, he has the uncanny knack of knowing which tool is right for the job and the personal qualities to deploy each tool to best affect..“
Nik Green – Imerys – Learning & Development Specialist

Evolution Development

Evolution’s MD and Lead Coach is Martin Crump.

Following a background in Manufacturing and R&D, Martin Crump has spent over twenty years as a training and development professional working at a strategic level with individuals within organisations throughout the UK.

He taught Management Development at Manchester Metropolitan University and is an NLP Master Practitioner and Certified NLP Master Trainer. Recently, he co-authored ‘’How to Build an Ark’ A guide to project leadership in the 21st century.’ And ‘Evolve or Die. The ultimate self-help book.’ Both these books are available to buy from Amazon.

Martin is committed to facilitating the realisation of the potential of individuals, and through those individuals the potential of organisations they are part of.


Q. I have done a previous presenting course – what is different about yours?
A. We introduce cutting-edge applied psychology tools and techniques to give you an edge. These include body language archetypes, how stories work at an unconscious level and the best way to use visual aids.

Q. Will I have to do a presentation on the course?
A. No, there will be an opportunity to practice some of the techniques in pairs and in the main group but you won’t be put on the spot

Q. Is there any follow-up support?
A. Yes, you will have the opportunity to tap into one to one coaching after the event to help you transfer and apply your learning

Q. Is lunch provided?
Yes – please let us know if you have any dietary requirements

Book your tickets

You can book your tickets online through Eventbrite. 

Evolution On The Move

We have moved into a new office at the Health and Wellbeing Centre in Truro.

Ten years ago we were incredibly proud to move into the truly iconic Engine House in St. Agnes.  The newly renovated building was a flagship project for Carrick District Council and the development was considered by them to be a “positive contribution to the World Heritage Status site.”

We successfully bid for shared tenancy with UKnetweb and we all moved in: Two businesses, one big happy family.  We loved (and still love) this wonderful building as did everybody who visited.

However, it is fair to say that the building did not come without its problems.  Before the renovation it had been roofless for over 60 years and it was never designed to be sealed and enclosed.  It has been estimated that the walls hold approximately 40 tons of water so it is no surprise that damp was an issue from the start and visitors may remember that the building appeared to have a bad case of dandruff as we struggled to keep the paint on the walls.

Despite replacement pointing and the addition of an expensive air circulation system, the damp problem has become worse over time leading to extensive mould growth and, during certain weather conditions, water actually running down the inside walls.

So it is with great sadness that we have had to concede that the building is no longer a safe or healthy place to work and we have all moved out whilst we negotiate the best course of action with our Landlords at Cornwall Council.

Evolution is now based in The Health and Wellbeing Centre at Treliske.  It is lovely to be surrounded by other, wonderful businesses and particularly nice to be warm and dry.  We are considering this to be a very enjoyable sabbatical and hope to bring you news about the future of The Engine House soon.

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If you are in the building feel free to pop in and say hello (unless we are out working with clients) otherwise you can continue to contact us on the same telephone number and email address.

+44 (0)1872 555939

A Procurement story: from confrontation to co-operation.


Procurement has become an increasingly important function in a wide range of industries and business sectors.

It is seen as a strategic function, a function that touches and influences all aspects of a business’s operation. Procurement should facilitate, enable and empower but procurement is also often misunderstood and can lead to confrontation.

The language of procurement can be peppered with strange acronyms and it can be hard for people to hear past a wall of words studded with, “You have to…”, “We must…” and “You can’t…”.

And yet procurement is all about building relationships, relationships with suppliers as well as with departments and individuals within your own company.

NLP training can give Supply chain leaders and procurement managers the tools, skills and knowledge to use richer communication that will forge stronger relationships and add value to the process.

One example of just how effective this can be is Andy, Chief Procurement Officer at a large NHS Trust. He is responsible for a team of over 30 people who spend more than £150 million per year. Not long after he joined the Trust he was involved in a major project to enhance endoscopic surgery. This was the biggest project of its kind in Europe and his customer was a “prickly and vocal” Consultant Surgeon.

In fact, at the start of the project he was forwarded an email from this Consultant that simply said, “This is War!”, a rather forthright way of summing up the classic tension of two opposing philosophies familiar to many procurement professionals – the desire to spend and the need to save.

Choosing communication rather than confrontation, Andy used the skills he had gathered on one of our NLP Business Practioner courses to steer the project to a successful conclusion and at the end of that journey the same Consultant sent the following email to 150 NHS leaders:

Dear All

 Re:  Camera stacks – skills training

 See enclosed photo – the new HD stack systems in the skills training room in the Training Academy – result!

 Many thanks to all being involved in this initiative to bring us out of the dark ages (literally!).

 The cameras for the rest of the hospital to follow shortly.

 A special thanks to Andy XXX, whose god-like skills in the camera stack tender have saved the Trust ~£600k

Andy and his team continue to add value and save costs for the NHS. For example, they recently made a saving of £1million on a £3 million annual spend through collaborative working with various teams within the Trust.


The Consultant Surgeon now champions procurement within the Trust and leads a commercial team in addition to his work in theatre.


At Evolution we have a particular understanding of how NLP can benefit procurement practitioners and we have delivered training courses on that to a wide range of industry sectors particularly in manufacturing and engineering.


If, like us, you see the benefits of building better relationships using clearer communication, then please get in touch and we can discuss your specific needs.

When should you take charge of your own personal development?

At the beginning of our lives, the responsibility for our development belongs with other people. Our parents and our family decide what we should learn and how we should learn it.

Then the Education System joins in and we are led towards knowledge and skills that the wisdom of the time decides that we will need.

The longer we stay in education, through school, college and university, the more we get to choose our own path but we are still within a system; a system that caters for millions each year.

In fact, society largely decides what we should learn and how we should develop and for most of us, focused development stops when our formal education stops.

But at that stage, many of us still have questions that we haven’t yet answered. What do we want to be? Who do we want to be?

And at that point, we move from being educated to having a career. We stop having classmates and start having colleagues. Our classroom is now an office, and often we have no teachers.

Is it any surprise that many of us drift from job to job without a coherent career plan? If we stay in one job, is it a surprise that any training we get or advancements that we make seem to be at the whim of the company?

The problem, the challenge and the opportunity is that we are all unique individuals. NLP helps us to see this, in ourselves and in others. It helps us gain insights about ourselves and use insights into others to build mutually beneficial relationships. NLP helps us to see clearly who we are, where we want to go and how we might get there.

So, when should you take charge of your own personal development?

  •  When you are at a point in your life or in your career, that you have decided that you want to be happy, confident and successful.
  •  When you are ready to decide where you want to be.
  •  When you are ready to look closely at where you are now.

You answer those three questions and we can help you answer the next one, which is: What personal development do I need to get there?

Our NLP Business Practioner courses have helped hundreds of individuals achieve personal and professional goals.

We can help you take charge of your life. Let’s do that now.

Phone 01872555939 or email martin@evolution-development.com

A New Partnership with Positive Purchasing

We’re really pleased to announce our new partnership with Positive Purchasing. We are now their NLP delivery partners and will be delivering advanced, NLP based Procurement courses with them.

Partnership with Positive Purchasing

Positive Purchasing is a specialist training and consultancy business focused on transforming procurement capability worldwide. They help organisations realise dramatic results through the development of people and process, by establishing common ways of working using best practice approaches and by bringing their vast experience in purchasing and procurement.

We’re really looking forward to working with Positive Purchasing and will be running our first course with them in Holland at the beginning of October.

How Can Shreddies Help Me Manage Change?


If your brain was a computer, metaprogrammes would be the software running on the computer.

Just as a computer has to take in and analyse huge amounts of data to produce something we can make sense of, our brains have to do the same.  Without the software, a computer would be unable to do this task, just as, without metaprogrammes, our brains would be unable to sort, analyse and form a perception from the huge amount of data available to us.

These metaprogrammes decide what information we are going to take notice of and what we are going to delete; they decide how we are going to distort the information and what generalisations we are going to apply to the information we are processing.

This is why several people can have the same experience and respond to it in totally different ways.   Looking at an audience in a presentation, some people may be hanging on your every word, some people may be bored, some may just not have a clue what you’re talking about.

Understanding metaprogrammes can help you in all areas of life including managing change, sales and marketing, improving communication, self confidence and relationships.

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How To Build A Cathedral

Martin Crump

By Martin Crump.

Martin is a Director and co-founder of Evolution.  He is a certified NLP Master Trainer with a wealth of experience of working with organisations of all sizes and types across the UK.


We have recently finished a really interesting piece of work with the Diocese of Truro.

The Church of England, like many old established organisations is currently going through a time of massive change.

We have been working with Truro’s Diocesan House to help them plan how they are going to help the Diocese manage this change and continue to thrive in the current climate.


We have so far used a mix of ‘Navigator’ (To develop the Strategy for change), coaching for the Diocesan Secretary, an Employee Survey (to set a benchmark and understand the initial level of employee engagement and a structured Away Day with the whole team to introduce the reason for change and the future approach to meeting the needs of the changing environment.

In the initial strategic sessions we used ‘Navigator’ to look at the current environment, behaviours, capabilities, beliefs and values and identity of the Diocesan House.

We then moved on to define the purpose of the team.

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