Tag: strategies

How To Build A Cathedral

Martin Crump

By Martin Crump.

Martin is a Director and co-founder of Evolution.  He is a certified NLP Master Trainer with a wealth of experience of working with organisations of all sizes and types across the UK.


We have recently finished a really interesting piece of work with the Diocese of Truro.

The Church of England, like many old established organisations is currently going through a time of massive change.

We have been working with Truro’s Diocesan House to help them plan how they are going to help the Diocese manage this change and continue to thrive in the current climate.


We have so far used a mix of ‘Navigator’ (To develop the Strategy for change), coaching for the Diocesan Secretary, an Employee Survey (to set a benchmark and understand the initial level of employee engagement and a structured Away Day with the whole team to introduce the reason for change and the future approach to meeting the needs of the changing environment.

In the initial strategic sessions we used ‘Navigator’ to look at the current environment, behaviours, capabilities, beliefs and values and identity of the Diocesan House.

We then moved on to define the purpose of the team.

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Planning For Business Success and Personal Fulfilment


By Martin Crump.

Martin is a Director and co-founder of Evolution.  He is a certified NLP Master Trainer with a wealth of experience of working with organisations of all sizes and types across the UK.




What makes people set up their own business?

Is it a need to be in control of their own destiny?, or the possibility of earning more money?, or perhaps the ability to manage their own time?, or maybe simply a belief that they can do better than their own bosses?

Whatever the reason, an increasing number of people take the plunge and ‘go it alone’, or with some other like-minded people.  The fact is, 80% of new business ventures fail within 2 years.  Why?, because many business owners do not know exactly where they are going, or how to get there, or even, what they will do when they get there.

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Do You Admire Someone? How To Become As Good As Them At What They Do

By Martin Crump.

Martin is a Director and co-founder of Evolution.  He is a certified NLP Master Trainer with a wealth of experience of working with organisations of all sizes and types across the UK.

Modelling, The Concept:

Most of our early learning comes from modelling other people.  We learn to walk, talk, play games and socialise by watching and copying our parents, family and friends.

As we grow older we copy friends and role models and modify our behaviour, language and dress as we strive to develop our personalities.

We continue to model people we admire and value as successful in their field, whether that is in a social environment, at work or at play.

At work, we are often trained by a ‘sitting next to Nellie’ approach with the hopes that by working with someone we will pick up the processes and skills needed.  This is fine as long as ‘Nellie’ is good at the job, otherwise bad practices may be passed on and replicated throughout the organisation.

Many organisations now use Mentoring as a way to develop staff by placing them with a more senior or experienced employee. The success of this approach depends on the ability of the Mentor to pass on skills and knowledge.  Often they don’t know what skills are important – most of us just do what we do and don’t think about how we get the results we get.

If the person being Mentored has NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Modelling skills, however, they can elicit the skills they need from the Mentor. Read More

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